Google – Master in search engines but duplicate Google Instant and developing strategy ~ My Google Online - SEO Tips
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Google – Master in search engines but duplicate Google Instant and developing strategy

Recently, if you might have visited you might have found a change in the search result display which google themselves named it as Google Instant. Everyone, might think that google is very intelligent enough to showcase the results but the true fact it is just a copy from a another website named

Also, one important factor which might affect them is the Adwords. Google also informed that the clicks for adwords has decreased a lot. This is good for such a big search engine to showcase instant results but it is not that much creative from them to showcase it.

Even is showing results from Google, but they where able to find out how to retrieve results so quickly from other google and other websites. I would really appreciate instead of instants.

Check out the snap shots of Google instants and


SEO Agency said...

I agree with all that you say here. However, I would like to see Google concentrate on the algorithm of search rather than dabble in so called revolutionary techniques like instants and now mobile instants. Google's John Mueller has come out only this last week and said that the search indexer they use has been corrupt and is being investigated!
Chris Wheeler
SEO Agency